i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here:
Nadnut: i miss you too sweeeeetie!
when will you be back from jp?
Huiting: Aww, thanks!
Reader: hahas, the tie dye dress?
I bought it from taiwan!
Katty: hahas, no luh, he didnt pay for me,
he's still a student you know.. lol.
i spend around 1.5K shopping and eating there plus hotel,
air ticket another S$480!
Are you going to taiwan soon?
Uncle: lol, thick skin uncle!
Peiqi: hhahas really! so qiao!
But it's really very hot ah! omg i keep feeling like fainting
if i stay in there for more than 5 mins at one time, lol,
everytime i get up from the spring water pool i feel so groggy!
Wm: hahahs, i don't know if it gets scratched easily
but i'm def not gonna test it on my baby!
Haahahs, sure i can take some shots and
prolly compare to my samsung NV4!
it's not bad luh, like the colour wise,
most of all it's sooooo gorgeous!
Ping: Hey dear, i always use gel liner,
cos when i use pencil liner,
it def will smudge or just melt and disappear after awhile,
or with liquid it's such a harsh line, but with gel liners
you can control how soft you want the line to look,
and it never never ever smudge on me before,
even after crying like nuts or swimming! lol, tried and tested!
You can check out this link: http://theluckiestchick-.blogspot.
Anonymous: Agreeeeed! My favorite liner too! :D
Michelle: Thanks sweetie,
hehe he took lessons but i did not! (:
Jm: hey dear, it's not buffet,
we paid around $50 per person for the whole meal,
but it's well worth it! something that you
CANNOT miss when you go to tw~!! (:
Anonymous2 / Anonymouss: hehe, i bought it at $410,
including case and 8gb memory card!
Also at Sim Lim Square! Must bargain with them! Lol.
But i bought an extra battery, actually i think the batt
run out quite quickly, lol, maybe i camwhore too much! hehehe.
Taiwan trip Day 04
Next morning, we went to LeoFoo Village,
i found out online that it's actually a multi themed themepark,
and it's really pretty cool!
There's like arabic them, western theme, dino theme,
and an area for a mini safari!
Here's the webby if you wanna check out how to get there,
what kinda rides do they have etc.:
So we took the mrt to Jing An Station,
and went outside the mrt station to wait
for the Tailien E-Go bus to Leofoo Village.
This bus pass by the 小人国 as well, so if you wanna
head there you can hop on this bus too!

As usual we got lazy and hop on a cabby instead of waiting for the bus,
because the taxi driver offered us a very good price!
Just afew dollars more expensive than taking the bus,
so why not right! heheh. :x
Lol, the taxi driver is damn funny, when we're about to
reach leofoo village he suddenly drove like a madman!
like super sharp turns and stuff,
sent me and boyf flying all over the cab!
Then when we reach there he grinned at us and said,
"HAHAHAHA prepare y'all for the rides later mar".

Admission ticket cost NT890 if i'm not wrong!
Lol, CAAAAAAAMEL. There are like i dunno, camel rides?
I'm not so sure if i want to ride on it thou, it's kinda SMELLLLLY?!

Bought my yummy red wedges from wu fen pu!
They are soooo comfy!

lol, we had a mini roller coaster ride at the safari theme area
to "warm up" ourselves lol, it's sooooo damn funny,
we kept laughing at this poor boy behind us,
prolly cos he's the only one in the "two-seater"
and his seat kept SPINNING OOOON AND ONNNNN,
and we two idiots, we were like LAUGHING AND POINTING
openly at the poor boy who pulled a long face throughout the whole ride.
Lol, i realized we were bloody rude lar!
must the adreneline from the stupid rollercoaster lar! :x
I'm normally really NICE. lol.

Araaaaabic theme! ALIBABAAAAAA~~

Lol, this is the 2nd ride we went on! Pukeeeeeeees.

Lol, boyf's favourite! dino land! :x

we didn't take the really really scary ride that i wanted to take,
cos boyf don't dare and i don't wanna go alone! boohoo!
Then we went to the western theme area and
OH MY GOD, dunno what is wrong with the tw xiao mei meis
but they seemed to loooooove this ride!
We're looking wet like DOOOOGS after one go. -.-

Back to the safari theme area!

arabic "castles" and giraffe and nice blue ssssssky~

Lol, we took this ride for like 5 times?
Lol, posed for the camera every single time! :x
Went back to XMD and had bbq thingy
cos i was dying to have Kanpai again,
but i'm obviously veeeeeery disappointed!
Ferli ferli ferli! kanpai kanpai kanpai!!!

Some light shopping, bought lingerie from wacoal,
clinicare hal treatment, mini majong set, and stuff!